Welcome to our first E-Learning Day. How odd is it that Snowmageddon 2015 is taking
place on the same day? I’m glad our
students will be safely at home on this day.
Getting to learn at home, with the latest and greatest devices is a
bonus! We are so happy to enter into
this school/home relationship. Our teachers, awesome IT team and administration have been
working very hard to plan this event.
Will it be perfect…perhaps, we hope. Will there be room
for improvement…most certainly. At any
rate, we are glad you are willing to go on this journey with us. Have a great E-Learning Day and don’t forget,
teachers will have office hours if you have any questions. You can check out the actual lesson plans at:
Below are Title I’s plans for this day. Most of Title I’s
plans DO require internet
access. If you don’t have internet
access, just remember, this is an extension activity. It’s okay if you just can’t do it due to lack
of internet access.
Have fun with
digital learning!